• I’ve been running on and off for a while but have recently started doing it with Maude, only running 3-4km but I thought it would be a nightmare but it’s fun, she seems to enjoy it too.
  • On Wednesday morning we noticed our car had been stolen, the keys live on a shelf in the kitchen but we’ve since found out that a lot of people keep them in special pouches or metal boxes. We had no idea, it’s not the end of the world but it’s a lot of admin.
  • The thing that annoyed me the most is we have an app which did show us the realtime location of the car BUT it turns out from inside the car, with no 2FA, they could remove our access which seems like a flaw that entirely negates it’s usefulness, first time I ever wanted to look and it was useless.
  • On Wednesday evening I went to see Explosions in the Sky with Jim and Rory. It was great.
  • We’re still working on our bike storage box, on Saturday I set up a pipe to drain the raised bed down into our rain water drain and then started work on the people gate (we’re also gonna do a bin gate).
  • Had to bust out some trigonometry to work out the angles on the cross brace, was quite satisfying.
  • Cycled down to the march for Palestine with Maude, amazingly managed to find friends and join them to walk to the end at Vauxhall. It was fun and very friendly, very much not a hate march.

Maude at the march